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Has anyone...?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 5:41 am
by The Lensman
Has anyone done any transcripts for the original text games?
I've done Zork 1, and 3. Enchanter and Sorceror and am trying to finish each trilogy as well as Wishbringer. Still ambivalent about doing Zork 0 and Beyond Zork.

I can't get the old "transcript" command to work with my printer so I have to cut and paste into Word. This can be done with the first two trilogies, but I have to printscreen the stuff in Zork 0 and BZ, which will take forever, especially with Z0.

Plus, while I enjoyed Z0 and BZ, there was a definite writing style that went from passing, wry humour, to goofy, Douglas Adams style humour. To see this difference, play the Enchanter Trilogy then the last two games. In addition, I didn't care for the white house being the former Castle Flathead, nor did I care for the whole "Brogmoid holding the world" cosmology.  

Re: Has anyone...?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 8:35 pm
by Reaver
I started to do that.  Never finished.  I should try again some time.  That way I can review what happens in the game and be able to read the room descriptions.

Re: Has anyone...?

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2002 3:34 pm
by Afgncaap5
I think that part of the whole transcription problem is the way that computer printers are set up these days.  Very few computers are still hooked up to the older type of printer that could gradually print out partial pages instead of needing to print out whole things.  At least, I think that's the problem.

As for the things in Zork Zero, I never really thought too much about them.  I think that the Castle turning into the white house did a decent job of explaining why the castle was never around after that.  Besides, Marc Blank and Dave Lebling could've had Steve Meretzky change the parts of the game that they felt didn't fit within the Zorkian universe.

I think I'm more upset by the fact that Activision changed the Brogmoid thing.  It never made sense by any stretch of the imagination, oh no.  But then they tried to change it, and my continuity got confused.  >:(

But anyway, I don't think that I've ever bothered to make a transcript of an entire game, really.  I should do that one of these days....