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ZGI read write error possible solution

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:52 pm
by chucksaw1962
I was playing ZGI on Windows Vista and had already got all three of the artifacts, I then got the dreaded read write error. I deleted all the files and reinstalled. I had used about ten restore points and this is when I started getting the error message. Once I reinstalled I limited my restore points and everything worked fine. Hope this will help.

Re: ZGI read write error possible solution

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:45 pm
by KM3K
Sorry about the delay in responding. Good work diagnosing the problem! Since you were able to run most of the game correctly, it's likely this wasn't a "running the game under Vista" issue. It sounds like the system restores broke something and the reinstall fixed it. For other with similar problems, I recommend a reinstall to fix the problem. I'll make a note of this issue and include it in a future update of my installation guides.