Talk about your adventuring here and relive the old days when your trusty sword and lantern would save your skin from trolls and other beasts!
Moderator: KM3K
- TZL Administrator

- Posts: 167
- Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:31 pm
- Location: Flood Control Dam #3
by KM3K »
Today is the 20th anniversary of Return to Zork. According to
Wikipedia, it was released on August 20th, 1993.
I don't have the time to write anything meaningful on the topic, but here's some great resources on Return to Zork:
- We at the Zork Library have some good information on the game here.
- The Zork Compendium has some information on the development of the game. (See the RETURN TO ZORK RESOURCES section).
- If you still don't own Return to Zork, pick up a copy at