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RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 2:12 am
by Ruse
After much struggling to get just the sound to work on my XP system, I was so happy when suddenly Trembyle popped up rambling on about his battery.  YAY!

Then...I came to the lighthouse.  For whatever reason the videos aren't running.  It flashes something about "cannot load..." and then stuff like Trembyle talking about the lighthouse keeper and the Keeper answering the door with his face in the little door, they go off.

After that I'm inside the lighthouse.  I can hear him talking, the music works's just those videos.

I downloaded DOSBox, but I can't make heads or tales of how to change settings.  Does anyone know what I should type/do to fix this issue?  Thanks!!  *sniffle*  I miss RTZ.

Re: RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:10 am
by DataAngel
You know I have no idea, but I was considering trying out DosBox since I would like to ditch a win98 install... So I will let you know what happens and if I can try our RTZ soon, I will let you know.

Re: RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:31 am
by DataAngel
I just installed DosBox... I was able to run Tyrian and Fuzzy Golf...
Things run a bit slow on my 1.6ghz, 512MB RAM. But when I buy my new PC... 3ghz, 1GB RAM... things should run great on the games that do run but run slowly. I will try RTZ tomorrow when I get home from work.

It wouldn't load Settlers 2, except for the cursor lol. Then it was scrolling a tons of SDL load errors, probably textures.

Re: RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:05 pm
by Ruse
Thanks!  Wow...too bad it isn't easier to run our favorite old games.  We can run Atari games with a good emulator, but not something a few years older?  *sigh*

I wish you luck in getting things going on your end. :)

Re: RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:13 pm
by Nemesis
I really have no clue. I was able to use out of the box. No settings to change, just pop in the CD and play. There are some people around here who could help you but they've probably all died. This place just keeps getting more and more depressing.

Re: RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:02 am
by DataAngel
Well I tried it normally within windows 2000 and it loaded up, played the logo and the intro video... NO audio but it played really fast. As it went to load the actual game it crashed out.

Now when I tried it using DosBox it wouldnt load because it couldnt load the cdrom drivers properly. So I dont know what to tell you. :-{ If its garbled, you probably just want to check the emulation of VGA/CGA/Tandy etc. and try setting it from Auto to VGA. Also you might want to make sure that the audio card you have uses the same ports etc. that the emulator is loading up.

Re: RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:01 pm
by DataAngel
With further testing, it just doesn't seem to emulate fast enough for anything except adventure games which have little no none realtime rendering. I tried Kyrandia and it was plenty fast.

Re: RTZ Video Format?  Whaaa?

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 2:16 am
by Ruse
Kyrandia!  *sniffle*  I miss that game!!!  I wonder if I can find it anywhere.  I never got past the first copyright check cause my uncle lost the manual. :P  I'm gonna have to look around for that one.

As for RTZ, I spose I'll just see if it'll work on my dad's machine or my old desktop.  I did get it to work with ME once.  *shrugs*