What the heck, my idiot got smart all of a sudden?

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Grue Slayer.
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What the heck, my idiot got smart all of a sudden?

Post by MacCentris »

At level 31 with my trusty sidekick (the idiot) with Gambit 78, all of a sudden I get one, after another, after another - like 4-5 Fanucci Cards! I'm in the Forest of Youth now just killing monsters (at the moment exploring 2-3 levels above my own). Is this accurate? I mean I know he is good at "stumbling" upon new sub-locations, but with cards? Or could it be the sub-location game me those as a bonus because I was missing them? I do know one thing, I gave my sidekick really good cards (my fromps and lamps) I just got my 3 of fromps, but my highest is 6 of lamps which equals 90 now. I got inkblots and hives in my spirit stack but they only go to 68 though my fanucci gambit is 100. I couldn't put the 68 set in my sidekick pile I just didn't think it right! But it paid off, although I am not lucky at all, my sidekick is doing all the lucky stuff for me :D

I just love this sidekick! He rocks!
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